Sarah and Dave are heading towards the rumoured Midwest wall; with the cure for being a zombie in their pocket. Quite literally a test-tube that could save the country, possibly the worldDavid, meanwhile, is changing. Since he was bitten by a zombie and cured, he hasn’t been quite human. And while this comes with certain advantages, it also comes with a whole lot of worries.Not least of which is trying to keep it – and a secret – from their new companions. The aging, perpetually stoned rocker isn’t a problem. But Nicole trained journalist and stalkerazzi, well she’s a much more difficult challenge – she doesn’t miss much and she even carries a video camera around with themAnd it’s not as if the trip across the US After Zombies is easy anyway – with wrecked roads, lack of supplies, constant threat of attack and, of course, other survivors carving their own lethal kingdoms out of the badlands, it’s a difficult journey to say the least. Then, when they reach their destination, absolutely nothing is what they expected.World wise I am still impressed by how this book is balanced. With any kind of zombie apocalypse movie there is going to be scenes of tragedy, of fear and of sheer massive horror. And this book includes that, thoughts of people who are lost, of things they’ve had to do. Moments of fear, if not panic any more (simply because Sarah and Dave are far too experienced and well trained now for panic).We also have the standard examples of how humanity devolves in these situations. Petty despots, cults, preying on weaker people, draconian cruelty and tyranny. And when you put them all together along with the desperate fight for survival and craving of sugar, you often get a rather bleak book.And this book has those elements – there are those bleak moments. But it’s also funny. It’s also light hearted. Sarah and Dave, in the midst of all this horror, manage to have fun. It provides some excellent balance and keeps the book a light, happy read. Even with zombies.We also have much more development of the world including what has happened with the last of the government. It’s a nice twist that makes perfect sense considering what has happened to the country – I still didn’t see it coming and it adds a whole new dimension of depth.Read More